Walk Together Toward Our Vision - 2024 Pledge Card
Your pledge supports and uplifts the Holy Redeemer community and its work to nurture its loving social justice vision for the benefit of all God's children. With your generosity, we can expand and grow into the fullness of what God is calling us to do in this world.
To contribute to the Church of the Holy Redeemer online, or to set up monthly payments, please click here.
Clicking the above link will take you to a third party site but it is set up by the Diocese of Colorado.
Stewardship at Holy Redeemer is a way of life. We strive to be thankful for the many blessings that God has provided to us. We give back to the church and community in thanksgiving for these blessings. We are mindful of being good stewards of the resources that have been provided for the congregation’s mission and ministry. Giving to Holy Redeemer happens in five general ways:
Annual Giving: We ask people to make a financial commitment to the mission and ministry of Holy Redeemer through an annual pledge campaign. The annual campaign allows the congregation to plan its mission and ministry and it supports the activities of the church including worship, pastoral care, music and outreach.
Seasonal Giving: Friends and members of Holy Redeemer are encouraged to make special contributions at times throughout the year to the congregation. These seasonal offerings support the Church’s special services and ministries.
Support of Specific Ministries: Throughout the year, there are opportunities to support the specific ministries of the Church.
Gifts to the Memorial Fund: Friends and Members of Holy Redeemer can make memorial donations on behalf of their loved ones or others. These memorial gifts support the worship of the congregation by providing needed items for the sanctuary such as candlesticks, prayer books, hymnals, and vestments. Memorial gifts can be made to the general Memorial Fund or they can be made for designated items that are agreed upon by the clergy and vestry.
Legacy or Estate Planning: Friends and Members of Holy Redeemer are encouraged to make legacy gifts to the church. By providing for the church in their estate plans, people support the long term vitality of the congregation.
If you would like to make a financial commitment or gift to the Church of the Holy Redeemer, please contact the Office or send a contribution to: Church of the Holy Redeemer, 2552 Williams Street, Denver, CO 80205.