What to Expect
Visiting a new church can be intimidating: What should I wear? Where do I park? Where do my kids go?
We understand the many thoughts that can come from visiting a new church, so we want you to feel completely comfortable when you visit. Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us or talk with an usher or greeter when you visit.
When are services?
Sunday worship is at 10:00 am
More about services
What should I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable. After all, we are thrilled that you're joining us and want you to be more focused on the service than what you're wearing. It's not uncommon to see people in casual clothing, while others prefer to still put on their "Sunday best," and that's fine too! We think you'll fit in no matter how you dress.
How do I get to Church of the Holy Redeemer?
We are located in the Whittier Neighborhood of Denver, west of City Park at 26th and Williams. Map
Where should I park?
We have plenty of street parking on 26th and Williams streets. We do not have handicap parking spaces but there is an easily accessible loading area on Williams St. directly outside the entrance with a convenient ramp to the sidewalk and another one to the Parish Hall.
Where do my children go?
Children are welcome at all our services! We celebrate our children and include them in our main worship. We believe that children are priceless and we encourage their freedom and independence (within reason, of course). It is not unusual to see a toddler cruising down the aisles during service! Sunday School classes are now every Sunday, mostly focused on lessons for elementary aged children.
Am I expected to put money in the offering?
If you are visiting with us, we don't expect you to put money in the offering, and you are welcome to just let it pass you by. If you consider Church of the Holy Redeemer your church home, we'd love for you to prayerfully consider giving to Holy Redeemer. You can also donate to us here.